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Emily Thorner
"Africa for humanity"
On April 6th, Emily Thorner was invited to sing solo for "Africa for Humanity" as part of the Delegation with Dr. Farzam Kamalabadi, the man who __ china, as part of a life changing moment for the rise of Africa
The result was the approval of the Africa Manifesto, and a 10 year plan to develop Africa beginning in Congo.
Standing in honor on April 7th for contributing through singing the hymn to honor "My God is Kimbangu
After singing, as the local band plays "My God is Kimbangu," and before bowing to His Divinity Papa Simon Kimbangu
CC Forum - Dubai 2023
Singing for the Protect Our Planet (POP) movement in Dubai, during COP28 and the Climate Change Forum. Followed by an interview to spread a glimpse of this to the youth of the POP movement to support the next generation, with the belief that: to better make changes for the planet, we have to start with us and a revolution for the next generation. This interview and experience was NOT planned, which made it all that much more special.
This press release featuring Emily Thorner singing at the CC Forum has been featured in:, The Chic Icon
and soon to be in Fox, The Globe, Mail, Starkville Daily News, and Chronicle Journal.
The Night with Festival - Scotland 2023
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